Angela Marie - Founder
If the name didn’t give it away- I’m Angela, the heart behind the rescue!
To those who know me it’s likely no surprise that I’m here writing about my passion for saving animals. All of my earliest memories include either my first dog Bear Bear (a chow and 10/10 good boy) or my guinea pig, Snickers.
One of my childhood dogs, Millie Lou.
Growing up I had just about every pet you can imagine- iguanas, goats, ferrets, gerbils, the list goes on and on. I used to put presentations together (I’m talking handmade informational packets and a sales pitch) to convince my parents why we needed another animal, which thanks to my saint of a mother usually resulted in a new pet.
Few pictures of me exist as a child without an animal or stuffed animal in tow.
I have countless stories of bringing home baby bunnies kicked from the nest or trying to save a fish that was washed ashore on our lake. I’m now a licensed wildlife rehabilitator and have fostered and rescued pets of my own. Basically, I’m living my 6 year-old-self wildest dreams. I went vegetarian when I was in 7th grade and have since transitioned to vegan.
Aside from animals, I absolutely love writing, hiking, the beach, lake and basically anything outdoors. I love a shameless impromptu karaoke night (despite the fact I cannot carry a tune) and am sure that any day now the Dixie Chicks are going to ask me to join them on tour. In 2021 I relocated from Charlotte, NC to Buffalo, WY where I currently reside with my mini-farm of rescue animals. My dream has always been to have my own farm sanctuary/animal rescue, and I couldn’t be more excited to see this dream unfolding more every day.
Throwing a birthday party for our cat, Casper. Normal..
If you’re still here reading along, I appreciate you taking the time to get to know me! I am so appreciative of the supportive community of animal lovers we are building and can’t wait to see what we can accomplish in years to come.